Crafting Your Blueprint for Success: The Art of Designing a Life Plan

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, challenges to overcome, and opportunities to seize.

Through mapping your desires, following a step-by-step approach of reflection, goal setting, visualization, prioritization, and measurable milestones you’ll live a life with purpose and fulfillment.

The template contains:

  1. Vision Board and how to create your vision board.
  2. Self-assessment of your areas in life with reflections around relationships and social dynamics, personal growth and career, and health. Moreover, a few strategies to consider.
  3. Setting values – the why, what, and how.
  4. Setting goals and prioritizing with purpose through the SMART framework, with examples and a table for you to fill in.
  5. Action plan with concrete steps and examples, and a table for you to fill in.
  6. Adjustments – When life happens, revise!
  7. Embracing the adventure: the essence of a bucket list.  

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